Tre tankar om terrorism

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Bruce Schneier om attackerna i London:

We need to resist the urge to react against the particulars of this particular terrorist plot, and to keep focused on the terrorists’ goals. Spending billions to defend our trains and busses at the expense of other counterterrorist measures makes no sense. Terrorists are out to cause terror, and they don’t care if they bomb trains, busses, shopping malls, theaters, stadiums, schools, markets, restaurants, discos, or any other collection of 100 people in a small space.

Heiko Hebig om övervakningskameror:

If this was indeed a terrorist attack on London, it was possible to carry out in a city that is full of CCTV. CCTV did not stop this from happening. It might help finding the people that carried out this attack. But it’s too late.

FOI:s terroristexpert Gunnar Jervas i DN (via

– Det var inte en fråga om, utan när London skulle drabbas. Uppenbarligen är det nu. …> DN: Hur kommer dåden att påverka Tony Blair? > – Han är lite teflonmässig, den mannen. Så han klarar nog sig. Men han planerar ju att avgå om något år, så nu har han chansen. Om han vill.

23.23: En fjärde:

David Plotz i Slate (via Airbag/Longboard)

And when I walked by the Queen’s Larder Pub, not half a mile from the Tavistock Square wreckage, at 11 a.m., a half-dozen men were sitting together at a sidewalk table, hoisting their morning pints of ale. Civilization must go on, after all.

*[FOI]:Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut *[DN]:Dagens Nyheter