Ibland kan det vara svårt att samla tankarna. Eftersom jag nu befinner mig i ett självvalt bloggbeting men inte kan finna rätt sak att skriva om tog jag hjälp.
Eftersom jag såg att svarstjänsten Aardvark meddelade en snittid för svar på fem minuter och 20 sekunder under gårdagen så beslöt jag mig för att ge det ett försök:
20:48 me: What should I blog about today?
aardvark: Got it. *Hint:* Short questions like that don’t often get answers. You can rephrase it by typing ‘detail:’ followed by a sentence.
I’m looking for someone who knows about *technology* now. (Type ’tag’ to change that topic, ‘cancel’, or ‘more’ for options.)
me: tag
aardvark: (Type ’tag:’ followed by any word or phrase to categorize this question.)
me: tag:blogging
aardvark: Thanks very much! I’m looking for someone who knows about *blogging* now.
Feel free to ask another question!
20:52 (From Mario Q./M/Miami,US, Re: **blogging**) It all depends of what is your blog abou. Is it focused on a specific topic? (To reply, type ‘Mario:’ followed by a message, or just type ’thanks’. Type ‘more’ for options.)
20:53 me: Mario:on technology and media mostly but also on popular culture
aardvark: BTW: I just got another answer about *blogging* :
(Type ‘show’ to see it here in IM.)
me: show
20:54 aardvark: (I’ve sent that along to Mario.)
(From Jason B./M/Indianapolis,US, Re: **blogging**) Depends on your blog topic and audience. Personal blog? Tell us about an “aha” moment you had today or recently. (To reply, type ‘Jason:’ followed by a message, or just type ’thanks’. Type ‘more’ for options.)
20:55 me: Jason:Somewhat personal but the topic is mostly media and technology.
aardvark: (I’ve sent that along to Jason.)
(From Mario) Have you posted anything on the new I phone? (Type ‘Mario:’ followed by a message to reply, or ‘more’ for options.)
20:57 (From Jason B./M/Indianapolis,US, Re: **blogging**) Depends on your blog topic and audience. Personal blog? Tell us about an “aha” moment you had today or recently. (To reply, type ‘Jason:’ followed by a message, or just type ’thanks’. Type ‘more’ for options.)
me: Mario:Not yet. Good idea. Thanks.
aardvark: (I’ve sent that along to Mario.)
20:58 (From Mario) Welcome (Type ‘Mario:’ followed by a message to reply, or ‘more’ for options.)
Sju minuter tog det. Helt okej alltså.
Så förhoppningsvis så kommer ett inlägg om nya iPhone snart. Tack till Mario och Justin för svar.
(Jag har några inbjudningar till Aardvark.)